• Irem Orengul: At the point where the link between pandemic lifestyle behaviors and depression converges in houses, and shows that physical activity and mental health are strongly related
• Kamil Saka: “…components such as keyboard and mouse should be cleaned in computer classrooms at school…”
• Kardelen Buket Kilinc: The pandemic has changed who we are, how we work, and our relationship with work. According to McKinsey, 70 % of employees are looking for meaning, not activity.
• Kubra Nur Okumus: In line with WHO COVID-19 guidance for food businesses on food safety (14), restaurants, breakfast and dining room and bar staff should regularly perform hygiene practices (frequent handwashing, respiratory hygiene, frequent cleaning/disinfection of work surfaces and touch points).
• Lena Alheraki: First of all, we can mention the biggest problem in my opinion that all sectors suffered...On a large scale, and I don't think life will go back to its previous era after the pandemic is over.
• Maide Asena Aksu: The COVID-19 pandemic may have brought many changes to how you live your life…The most important public health problems: Indoor air quality, physical distancing, enough space and density, lighting issues, noise, clean water, humidity.
• Kamil Saka: “…components such as keyboard and mouse should be cleaned in computer classrooms at school…”
• Kardelen Buket Kilinc: The pandemic has changed who we are, how we work, and our relationship with work. According to McKinsey, 70 % of employees are looking for meaning, not activity.
• Kubra Nur Okumus: In line with WHO COVID-19 guidance for food businesses on food safety (14), restaurants, breakfast and dining room and bar staff should regularly perform hygiene practices (frequent handwashing, respiratory hygiene, frequent cleaning/disinfection of work surfaces and touch points).
• Lena Alheraki: First of all, we can mention the biggest problem in my opinion that all sectors suffered...On a large scale, and I don't think life will go back to its previous era after the pandemic is over.
• Maide Asena Aksu: The COVID-19 pandemic may have brought many changes to how you live your life…The most important public health problems: Indoor air quality, physical distancing, enough space and density, lighting issues, noise, clean water, humidity.
• Mehmet Said Ergun: after the COVID-19 pandemic, indoor and landscape areas in residences have become much more effective on people's physical and social life. .. Architects and designers have serious responsibilities not only for residential buildings but also for schools, offices, playgrounds and in making these spaces more comfortable and suitable for people to use…
• Melih Bugra Ilhan: Modern medical facilities are becoming much more community-oriented and providing more specialized services to patients.
• Melisa Sıkılı: The most important task of us architects is to design for the user…It is a known fact that the air quality and cleanliness in the building have a great impact on the physical and mental health of the individual.
• Mert Cevik: Architecture can help create healthier environments for mental health by making better use of space, as well as creating more welcoming places where people will want to spend time.
• Merve Aksu: Urban green space, such as parks, playgrounds, and residential greenery, can promote mental and physical health and reduce morbidity and mortality in urban residents by providing psychological relaxation and stress alleviation, stimulating social cohesion, supporting physical activity...
• Merve Olgun: The built environment has a great role in energy consumption.…the energy problem in the world today is undoubtedly one of the biggest problems in search of a solution.
• Mervenur Polat: Instead of merely thinking of office districts or office parks, we could begin by conceiving of a new, more comprehensive “office-urbanism.”…the office-urbanist concept points to an understanding of the workplace itself as a kind of city..
• Muhammed Emre Yuksel: While museums around the world have closed indefinitely, some have had to develop new ways to maintain accessibility. Within these roads, there are many museums that have digitalized…Museums that prefer these ways have changed the definition of museology to a great extent with the covid 19 pandemic.
•Muhammed Senen: This (COVID-19 pandemic) has revealed significant housing discrepancies, with some inhabitants suffering the lockdown in huge homes with gardens and plenty of living space, while others endure in overcrowded circumstances with no outside space. COVID-19 has exposed and exacerbated existing housing issues…
• Muharrem Bugra Gultekin: What are the most important 5 public health problems for our post-pandemic hospital project? 1- Lighting and Views 2- Circulation 3- Indoor air quality and ventilation 4- Noise 5- Physical contact…
• Mutlu Kapaklikaya: As a result of this situation…. people who had to spend time in the same area needed a separate and private space during the quarantine days.
• Niyazi Turan: Examples of problems (with COVID-19 pandemic) are energy problem, food supply problem, logistics problem, fresh air demand and freedom of personal space etc.
• Nouhaila Zini: There are a number of key elements and design considerations of places that affect users in varying degrees and have health effects on their health and well-being: Thermal comfort, indoor air quality, lighting and daylight, active interior, auditory comfort.
• Noureddin Ram Hamdani: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the forefront an acute awareness of infection control in building design, both in public spaces as well as our personal spaces like homes and offices. Infection prevention and control experts consistently advise that improved hand hygiene is critical in maintaining a safe and sanitary environment.
• Nour Zaza: Without the right building systems in place to support patient care, the availability of space doesn’t matter. Hospitals are now considering including the costs of building increased power, medical gases, fresh air, and direct exhaust infrastructure to accommodate for adaptable spaces for pandemic use.
• Mutlu Kapaklikaya: As a result of this situation…. people who had to spend time in the same area needed a separate and private space during the quarantine days.
• Niyazi Turan: Examples of problems (with COVID-19 pandemic) are energy problem, food supply problem, logistics problem, fresh air demand and freedom of personal space etc.
• Nouhaila Zini: There are a number of key elements and design considerations of places that affect users in varying degrees and have health effects on their health and well-being: Thermal comfort, indoor air quality, lighting and daylight, active interior, auditory comfort.
• Noureddin Ram Hamdani: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the forefront an acute awareness of infection control in building design, both in public spaces as well as our personal spaces like homes and offices. Infection prevention and control experts consistently advise that improved hand hygiene is critical in maintaining a safe and sanitary environment.
• Nour Zaza: Without the right building systems in place to support patient care, the availability of space doesn’t matter. Hospitals are now considering including the costs of building increased power, medical gases, fresh air, and direct exhaust infrastructure to accommodate for adaptable spaces for pandemic use.
• Nuray Ilayda Gencten: The circulation of common areas is actually very important for people to socialize, meet their needs and work, but unfortunately, these common areas can be people's nightmares during the pandemic period….
• Oumaima Ch-Chakouri: It (COVID-19 pandemic) has generated health concerns as well as an unprecedented social and economic crisis, which has particularly affected service industries and accelerated digitalization.'
• Pelin Unal: The biggest risk in office workspaces is the number of people. In these rooms, people are involuntarily in contact with each other while working. For example, even the files, pens or computers they give to each other provide indirect contact. Sometimes they have to stay very close while they are doing joint projects or studies, which automatically increases the risk of COVID-19 disease.
• Rami Mazin Hassoon Al Jazaire: This not only concerns pandemic-related effects on resilience in the general population, but also how the pandemic has challenged stress resilience and mental health outcomes across more specific vulnerable population groups: patients with a psychiatric disorder, COVID-19 diagnosed patients, health care workers, children and adolescents, pregnant women, and elderly people…
• Sefa Can: with Covid-19…it is necessary to go beyond certain norms in the design of buildings and make analytical designs suitable for the current situation and for the problems.
• Selin Soysal: During the COVID-19 pandemic, we were stranded in homes due to the government's curfew and the rapid spread of the virus. In this process, the lack of enough glass, balconies and green spaces to spend time in most houses has made it difficult for most people.
• Sena Akdemir: It is very important for restaurant operators to understand the key attributes or barriers that affect the attitudes and behaviors of their customers when they consider dining out in restaurants…
• Shadad A. Hasan Al Hethnjawi: The aging population, growing urbanization, development of non-communicable diseases, and climatic instability are just a few of the environmental and public health issues the globe is confronting in the twenty-first century that call for an interdisciplinary approach. The job of an architect can include all of these areas because a large majority of the population spends their time indoors, whether at home, school, work, or during leisure time…
• Shaden Ahdab: In a commercial building, public bathrooms are frequently the areas with the highest traffic. So why is the design strategy for these spaces so frequently uninspired? Despite the fact that this gap presents a chance for developers and property owners to reevaluate the bathrooms in their developments, external concerns like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and raised social and environmental awareness make it imperative.
• Selin Soysal: During the COVID-19 pandemic, we were stranded in homes due to the government's curfew and the rapid spread of the virus. In this process, the lack of enough glass, balconies and green spaces to spend time in most houses has made it difficult for most people.
• Sena Akdemir: It is very important for restaurant operators to understand the key attributes or barriers that affect the attitudes and behaviors of their customers when they consider dining out in restaurants…
• Shadad A. Hasan Al Hethnjawi: The aging population, growing urbanization, development of non-communicable diseases, and climatic instability are just a few of the environmental and public health issues the globe is confronting in the twenty-first century that call for an interdisciplinary approach. The job of an architect can include all of these areas because a large majority of the population spends their time indoors, whether at home, school, work, or during leisure time…
• Shaden Ahdab: In a commercial building, public bathrooms are frequently the areas with the highest traffic. So why is the design strategy for these spaces so frequently uninspired? Despite the fact that this gap presents a chance for developers and property owners to reevaluate the bathrooms in their developments, external concerns like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and raised social and environmental awareness make it imperative.