Professor Kenneth Frampton’s written notes and drawing from my appointment and conversation with him on design architect–client interaction. (at Columbia University, GSAPP, Ph.D. Program).
During my systematic and in-depth archival research on the practice history of the Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM)-NY Office (1960s-1970s) in this office archive in NYC.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2019, 2022-present, Hacking the MIT-McCormick Hall’s Archive: Architecture and Wellness. (With a specific research problem and time period).
(With systematic, in-depth archive-based academic research at the MIT-Architecture Collection at the MIT-Museum. I presented my paper, "Hacking! the MIT-McCormick Hall's Archive: Architecture and Wellness" at “the 76th Society of Architecture Historians, Annual and International Conference”, virtual session, 2023).
(With systematic, in-depth archive-based academic research at the MIT-Architecture Collection at the MIT-Museum. I presented my paper, "Hacking! the MIT-McCormick Hall's Archive: Architecture and Wellness" at “the 76th Society of Architecture Historians, Annual and International Conference”, virtual session, 2023).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2018-present, Diverse and Inclusive Historical Documentation Practice and Methods at Pioneering Schools of Architecture in the U.S. (with a specific research problem, a systematic research).
Participants: Architecture record archivist at the Yale University-School of Architecture; special collection archivist at the Harvard University-Graduate School of Design; librarian at the Princeton University- School of Architecture; curator at the architecture and design collections at the MIT Museum; architecture, urban planning, and visual resources librarian at University of Michigan; art, architecture & engineering library; head of special collections at University of Rice; and library manager at the Kappe Library-SCI-Arch and the director at Archives & Records at the American Institute of Architects (AIA). I presented my systematic research at "the Society of American Archivists-Research Forum" (peer-review) in 2020, and my systematic research report was published by the same organization in 2021.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2018-present, Diverse and Inclusive Historical Documentation Practice and Methods at Pioneering Schools of Architecture in the U.S. (with a specific research problem, a systematic research).
Participants: Architecture record archivist at the Yale University-School of Architecture; special collection archivist at the Harvard University-Graduate School of Design; librarian at the Princeton University- School of Architecture; curator at the architecture and design collections at the MIT Museum; architecture, urban planning, and visual resources librarian at University of Michigan; art, architecture & engineering library; head of special collections at University of Rice; and library manager at the Kappe Library-SCI-Arch and the director at Archives & Records at the American Institute of Architects (AIA). I presented my systematic research at "the Society of American Archivists-Research Forum" (peer-review) in 2020, and my systematic research report was published by the same organization in 2021.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2015-2016, Uncovering Early Herstory of Co-education at the Princeton University-School of Architecture. (with a specific research problem and time period).
(With Massachusetts Institute of Technology's academic sponsorship, in-depth, systematic, archive-based, advanced academic research by making an in-person appointment and e-correspondences with Professor Robert Geddes, the first dean of the Princeton University-School of Architecture. Systematic, archival research studies at Princeton University, Harvard University, Vassar College, systematic archival research by making appointments and e-correspondences with early women architects from the Princeton University-School of Architecture since the beginning of co-education and at the graduate level.)
(As a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-History, Theory and Criticism in Architecture Program).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2014-2016, Uncovering Education and Professional Career Herstory of Turkish and Turkish-American Women Architects in Postwar U.S. (with a specific research problem, time period, theoretical analysis).
(With Massachusetts Institute of Technology's academic sponsorship, in-depth, systematic, archive-based, advanced academic research on one of the significant feminist cases from the modern and secular Middle East region in multicultural U.S. architecture. Systematic, in-depth archival research at MIT, Harvard University, Columbia University, Princeton University, Vassar College, the American Institute of Architects' records, IWIA at Virginia Tech., in Istanbul and Adana).
(As a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-History, Theory and Criticism in Architecture Program.)
• Ekincioglu, M., 2015-2016, Uncovering Early Herstory of Co-education at the Princeton University-School of Architecture. (with a specific research problem and time period).
(With Massachusetts Institute of Technology's academic sponsorship, in-depth, systematic, archive-based, advanced academic research by making an in-person appointment and e-correspondences with Professor Robert Geddes, the first dean of the Princeton University-School of Architecture. Systematic, archival research studies at Princeton University, Harvard University, Vassar College, systematic archival research by making appointments and e-correspondences with early women architects from the Princeton University-School of Architecture since the beginning of co-education and at the graduate level.)
(As a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-History, Theory and Criticism in Architecture Program).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2014-2016, Uncovering Education and Professional Career Herstory of Turkish and Turkish-American Women Architects in Postwar U.S. (with a specific research problem, time period, theoretical analysis).
(With Massachusetts Institute of Technology's academic sponsorship, in-depth, systematic, archive-based, advanced academic research on one of the significant feminist cases from the modern and secular Middle East region in multicultural U.S. architecture. Systematic, in-depth archival research at MIT, Harvard University, Columbia University, Princeton University, Vassar College, the American Institute of Architects' records, IWIA at Virginia Tech., in Istanbul and Adana).
(As a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-History, Theory and Criticism in Architecture Program.)
• Ekincioglu, M., 2008-2009, the Practice History of the SOM-NYC in the 1960s-1970s. (with a specific research problem).
( As a research scholar at the Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Ph.D. Program, a systematic, in-depth, archive-based research on four significant architectural buildings designed under Gordon Bunshaft’s leadership, with support by the SOM-NYC Office, a close reading on Ph.D. dissertations, monographs, scholarly essays, architectural articles, oral history project with leading design partners and remarkable team members of SOM, some archival materials from Avery Drawings and Archive at Columbia University.)
( As a research scholar at the Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Ph.D. Program, a systematic, in-depth, archive-based research on four significant architectural buildings designed under Gordon Bunshaft’s leadership, with support by the SOM-NYC Office, a close reading on Ph.D. dissertations, monographs, scholarly essays, architectural articles, oral history project with leading design partners and remarkable team members of SOM, some archival materials from Avery Drawings and Archive at Columbia University.)
• Ekincioglu, M., 2008-2009, Robert Gutman Papers Collection.
(with a specific research problem and time period).
(As a research scholar at the Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Ph.D. Program; academic sponsor: Columbia University.)
(with a specific research problem and time period).
(As a research scholar at the Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Ph.D. Program; academic sponsor: Columbia University.)
• Ekincioglu, M., 2007, 2008-2009, Early History of Architectural Record.
(with a specific research problem and time period).
(A systematic and close-reading on its founding and early editors’ articles, Ph.D. dissertations, scholarly essays and architectural articles on professional architecture journalism, in-person appointments with Robert Ivy, Dr. Suzanne Stephens, John Morris Dixon, William Menking, e-correspondences with some pioneering architecture journalists in the U.S. with suggestions by Dr. Suzanne Stephens and Architectural Record, attending the course on history of architectural criticism offered by Dr. Suzanne Stephens at Barnard College as a non-registered, guest scholar with her permission throughout the 2008-2009 academic term, etc.).
(with a specific research problem and time period).
(A systematic and close-reading on its founding and early editors’ articles, Ph.D. dissertations, scholarly essays and architectural articles on professional architecture journalism, in-person appointments with Robert Ivy, Dr. Suzanne Stephens, John Morris Dixon, William Menking, e-correspondences with some pioneering architecture journalists in the U.S. with suggestions by Dr. Suzanne Stephens and Architectural Record, attending the course on history of architectural criticism offered by Dr. Suzanne Stephens at Barnard College as a non-registered, guest scholar with her permission throughout the 2008-2009 academic term, etc.).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2006-2007, Theory and History of the Architecture Profession.
(with essential principles of a Ph.D. in Architecture).
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(As a special Turkish fellow at the Harvard University, History of Art and Architecture, Ph.D. Program; academic sponsor: Harvard University.)
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(As a special Turkish fellow at the Harvard University, History of Art and Architecture, Ph.D. Program; academic sponsor: Harvard University.)
My systematic, in-depth, archive-based, advanced academic research projects are original and based on my specific research problem. Their all rights reserved.