Convergence at the Influence of Power, Identity, and Design, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Women in Design. Stephanie Lee (moderator, MIT-Architecture), Amber N. Wiley (Rutgers), Bryony Roberts (Columbia Uni. GSAPP), Chandra Rouse (Harvard Uni. GSD), Teresa Gali-Izard (Harvard Uni. GSD, UVA), Meral Ekincioglu (research fellow/scholar . MIT, Harvard, Columbia GSAPP, Ph.D. Programs).
With Professor Kenneth Frampton at SAH 2018 Award Ceremony.

My conference presentation at the 71st SAH (Society of Architectural Historians) Annual, International Conference.
My panel talk at the MIT Museum.
With Dr. Faust, the First Woman President,
Harvard University. (Term of office: 2007-2018).

My international conference presentation
at Wikiconference North America, MIT.

My seminar presentation at the MIT-WGS.

The 8th International Conference on Gender Studies, Gender And Art and Other Gender Studies, Center for Women's Studies (CWS), Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU)
My online lecture on "Public Health in Workplaces for the Post-pandemic World: Through the Lens of the US Architecture" held by the Yeditepe University, Department of Architecture.

My online lecture on Turkish Women Architects beyond National Borders held by Istanbul Technical University, Women Studies Center in Science, Engineering and Technology.
My online lecture, "Public Health and Health Technologies in Housing for the Post-Pandemic World"

My presentation at Harvard University,
a NETSA organization.
With Beverly Willis, the founder of the Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation.
With Professor Robert Geddes, the first dean of the Princeton University, School of Architecture.
(with my sincere thanks to Massachusetts Institute of Technology for their academic sponsorship of my advanced academic research project).

Introduction of my short bio. for my panel talk
at the MIT Museum, 2018.

My online lecture on "Hacking! COVID-19: Science in Architecture and Urban Systems" held by "Architecture and Urban Research Academy (AURA) Istanbul.

My online talk and meeting with architecture students at the Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture.

Online oanel on "Women in the Architecture Profession in
Turkey and Germany.
Data Feminism, speaker: Catherine D'Ignazio, The MIT-Urban Science and Planning in the Department of Urban Studies, Assistant Professor & MIT-Data+Feminism Lab, Director; introduction: Dr. Meral Ekincioglu, the Inaugural Citizen TALES Commons Online Lecture, co-sponsored by Emerson College, Engagement Lab, organization: Citizen TALES Commons.

My presentation at the 76th Society of Architectural Historians, International, Annual Conference, virtual session. (My archive-based, international conference presentation title:
"Hacking the MIT-McCormick Hall’s Archive: Architecture and Wellness“)
My presentation at the MIT, WGS.
My presentation at CUNY.
With Denise Scott Brown, after the announcement of her AIA Gold Medal with Robert Venturi, her architectural and life partner.

Peer-Reviewed Scientific Conferences, Symposiums, Academic Talks and Panels
on Architecture (in the U.S.): *
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2024, Responsive Historical Documentation (Practice and Methods) at the Intersection of Historic Interior and Some Urgent Challenges, the Research Presentation Program by the Research Committee of the Historic Interiors Affiliate Group at the Society of Architectural Historians (RC of the HIG-SAH), June 20. (This research presentation program is for RC members within RC's monthly meetings).
.• Ekincioglu, M. (co-moderator), 2024, Vienna & the New Wohnkultur, 1918-1938, book talk by Michelle Jackson-Beckett, Ph.D., design historian, the incoming inaugural Curator of Rare Books at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum Library, and Research Committee member of Historic Interiors Affiliate Group-Society of Architectural Historians (HIG-SAH), Nasim Shiasi, Ph.D. (co-moderator & Research Committee member of HIG-SAH), an online event by the Research Committee of HIG-SAH, May, 9.
., last accessed on 5.8.2024.
., last accessed on 5.8.2024.
., last accessed on 5.8.2024.
., last accessed on 5.8.2024.
., last accessed on 5.8.2024.
., last accessed on 5.8.2024., last accessed on 5.8.2024.
• Ekincioglu, M. (panel chair, co-organizer), 2023, Health Equity in Architecture at the Intersection of Teaching, Archive and Curating, panelists: Aaron Davis, Ph.D., Lecturer, the University of South Australia; Julie Collins, Ph.D., Research Fellow and Curator, the Architecture Museum at the University of South Australia; Elke Miedema, Ph.D., Researcher and Teacher, Inholland University of Applied Sciences; Nilay Evcil, Ph.D., Professor, Beykent University, Department of Architecture; Kadir Uyanik, M.Arch, co-founder of do[x]architecture; co-organizer: Epidemic Urbanism Initiative, November 4., last accessed on 11.3.2023.
Its record link:, last accessed on 11.7.2023., last accessed on 11.3.2023.
Its record link:, last accessed on 11.7.2023.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2023, "Hacking the MIT-McCormick Hall’s Archive: Architecture and Wellness “, the 76th Society of Architecture Historians, Annual and International Conference, virtual session, September 22.
., last accessed on 8.31.2023.
., last accessed on 8.31.2023.
., last accessed on 8.31.2023.
., last accessed on 8.31.2023.
., last accessed on 8.31.2023.
Its PowerPoint presentation and video record are available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu, M. (welcoming & introduction, co-organizer), 2023, Flow: At the Intersection of Archives and Historic Interiors, online panel, panelists (curators): Mari Nakahara, the Library of Congress; Esther -aka Mimi- Schmidt, the Centre for Historic Houses in India;
Monika Platzer, the Architekturzentrum Wien; moderator: Paola Ardizzola, Research Committee member, HIG-SAH & lecturer at Cardiff Met University; organization by the Research Committee of the Historic Interiors Affiliate Group of the Society of Architectural Historians (HIG-SAH), May 1.
Monika Platzer, the Architekturzentrum Wien; moderator: Paola Ardizzola, Research Committee member, HIG-SAH & lecturer at Cardiff Met University; organization by the Research Committee of the Historic Interiors Affiliate Group of the Society of Architectural Historians (HIG-SAH), May 1.
This is the first panel organized by "the Research Committee of the Historic Interiors Affiliate Group of the Society of Architectural Historians".
Its record by the same organization:, last accessed on 5.18.2023.
., last accessed on 5.1.2023.
Its record by the same organization:, last accessed on 5.18.2023.
., last accessed on 5.1.2023.
• Ekincioglu, M. (co-curator), 2022, "On Literature for a Changing Planet" by Martin Puchner, the Byron and Anita Wien Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Harvard University, the Citizen TALES Commons - Multidisciplinary Climate Conversations Series, June 21, online.
Initiated and co-curated by me, the Citizen TALES Commons - Multidisciplinary Climate Conversations Series aims to bring together different disciplines on climate and environmental issues for a healthy (post-pandemic) society, and the built environment with civic engagement understanding. For this series, our distinguished speaker Martin Puchner from Harvard University talked about his recent book, “Literature for a Changing Planet” published by Princeton University Press in 2022.
Initiated and co-curated by me, the Citizen TALES Commons - Multidisciplinary Climate Conversations Series aims to bring together different disciplines on climate and environmental issues for a healthy (post-pandemic) society, and the built environment with civic engagement understanding. For this series, our distinguished speaker Martin Puchner from Harvard University talked about his recent book, “Literature for a Changing Planet” published by Princeton University Press in 2022.
Its record:, last accessed on 6.10.2023.
• Ekincioglu, M. (panelist; the SAH HIG Research Committee member; the SAH WiA Registers Committee; Media-Communication team member), 2022, "Architectural Intelligence-from Concept to Future", the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Silicon Valley, Computer History Museum (hybrid panel format with online panelists and in-person audiences), April 19. (1)
Its record:, last accessed on 5.20.2023.
See for the full program of "the AIA Silicon Valley, Architectural Intelligence, from Concept to Future", Computer History Museum (04.19.2022):, last accessed on 4.19.2022..
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2021, Celile Berk at MIT: A Woman Architect in Public Health,
the MIT-Women League, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, May, 18. (online presentation).
., last accessed on 5.18.2021.
.,, last accessed on 5.18.2021.
last accessed on 5.18.2021.
., last accessed on 5.18.2021.
., last accessed on 5.18.2021.
Its PowerPoint presentation and video record are available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu, M. (moderator, co-organizer), 2021, “Collective Memory of Diverse Women Architects: Its Historical Documentation Practice and Methods”, online panel, panelists: Mary Norman Woods, Professor Emerita at Cornell University, Department of Architecture, the first woman tenured in Cornell's architecture department, founded in 1871; Heather Isbell Schumacher, Archivist, University of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design, Architectural Archives; Jessica Quagliaroli, Architecture Records Archivist at the Yale University Library, Manuscripts, and Archives; Maristella Casciato, the Senior Curator of the Architecture Collections at the Getty Research Institute in California, organization by Women Who Design, May 7.
For the first panel question and discussion:
For the first panel question and discussion:, last accessed on 7.28.2021.
For the second panel question and discussion:, last accessed on 7.28.2021.
For the third panel question and discussion:, last accessed on 7.28.2021.
For the second panel question and discussion:, last accessed on 7.28.2021.
For the third panel question and discussion:, last accessed on 7.28.2021.
For more, please, see:
• Ekincioglu, M. (introduction, co-organizer), 2021, Data Feminism, speaker: Catherine D'Ignazio, The MIT-Urban Science and Planning in the Department of Urban Studies, Assistant Professor & MIT-Data+Feminism Lab, Director, the Inaugural Citizen TALES Commons Online Lecture, co-sponsored by Emerson College’s Engagement Lab., January 27.
In this event, I introduced Catherine D'Ignazio, our collaborative mission as Citizen TALES Commons, and briefly talked why we needed "data feminism" in science for the benefits of science and society today, in particular for our collective post-pandemic world.
Its record:, last accessed on 6.5.2021.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2020, "Building Bridges between Architecture’s Civic Engagement and Society during COVID-19", Building Bridges Through Civic Engagement, Center for Global Communication, Emerson College, Boston, MA, October 23. (2).
Its PowerPoint presentation and video record are available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2020, “Contextualizing Celile Berk Butka in between Two Worlds: A Pioneering Woman Architect from Postwar Türkiye to the U.S.”, session: Countering Gender Stereotypes in the Middle East, The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., October 7.
., last accessed on 11.11.2020.
last accessed on 11.11.2020.
., last accessed on 7.15.2020.
., last accessed on 7.15.2020.
Its PowerPoint presentation and video record are available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
eo record:
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2020, “Diversity and Inclusion in Historical Documentation of Multicultural Architecture Education in the U.S. in a Time of Pandemic”, Society of American Archivists, 2020 Research Forum, "Foundations and Innovations", online, August 5.
last accessed on 8.20.2020.
Its PowerPoint presentation is available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
Its record:
My published research report by SAA Research Forum:
Ekincioglu, M., 2021, Diversity and Inclusion in Historical Documentation of Multicultural Architecture Education in the U.S. in a Time of Pandemic, the Society of American Archivists (SAA), Research Forum, 2020.
., last accessed on 2.10.2021.
Ekincioglu, M., 2021, Diversity and Inclusion in Historical Documentation of Multicultural Architecture Education in the U.S. in a Time of Pandemic, the Society of American Archivists (SAA), Research Forum, 2020.
., last accessed on 2.10.2021.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2020, “Tracing Diversity in Historical Documentation of Architecture Education in the U.S.”, Midwest Archives Conference, Des Moines, Iowa, May 6-9. (My conference abstract was officially accepted by the organization's e-mail, and then, this conference was cancelled due to COVID-19).
., last accessed on 2.20.2020.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2020, What Do We Know about Collective Memory on Women & Diversity in Today’s Multicultural US Architecture?, (A critical perspective on inclusive built environment and architectural space design by questioning diversity in today’s U.S. architecture and its collective memory), Harvard Neighbors-Tea and Talk Series, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, March. (It has been confirmed by e-mail and its date TBD soon due to COVID-19).
., last accessed on 3.7.2020.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker*), 2020, "Shaping and Sharing Identity in Architecture: Imperceptibility of Walls in Archives" (*), 51st NeMLA, Northeast Modern Language Association, Annual Convention, Convention title: Shaping and Sharing Identities: Spaces, Places, Languages and Cultures, Boston University, Boston, MA, March 8. (3), accessed on September 5th, 2019.
., last accessed on 11.11.2019.
Its PowerPoint presentation and video record are available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2019, “Diverse and Inclusive Data from Architectural Archives for Civic Engagement", WikiConference North America, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, November 9. (It was a joint conference presentation with Dr. Vassiliki Rapti and Dr. Diana Ramirez-Jasso, with the main title “Citizen TALES Commons: A Collaborative Multi-Disciplinary Model of Ethical, Reliable and Inclusive Production and Dissemination of Knowledge around Issues of Citizenship. Under this topic, I presented my own research project and findings)
., last accessed on 11.9.2019.
Click for the record of the presentation by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, last accessed on 11.9. 2019.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2019, My Ph.D. Journey from Istanbul to the U.S., the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Woman & Gender Studies Program, Cambridge, MA, November 6.
This is a short seminar presentation on masculine power dynamics, systemic equity and justice in academia, and more specifically, in "scientific" career.
This is a short seminar presentation on masculine power dynamics, systemic equity and justice in academia, and more specifically, in "scientific" career.
Its PowerPoint presentation and video record are available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2018, “Architectural Archives and Citizenship in the U.S.”, Engagement Lab. at Emerson College (presentation as a part of workshop and lecture series by Citizen TALES Commons), Boston, MA, December 18.
Its PowerPoint presentation and sound record are available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu, M. (panelist), 2018, Power (Panel title), A Convergence at the Confluence of Power, Identity and Design (event), Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Women in Design, Cambridge, MA, November 3. (4).
., last accessed on 11.3.2018.
., last accessed on 11.3.2018.
., last accessed on 11.9.2018.
., last accessed on 2.2.2022.
., last accessed on 2.12.2019.
• Ekincioglu, M. (panelist), 2018, "An Ontological Experience of MIT Architectural Spaces" (my talk), A Square and Half - The Colors (panel title), the MIT Museum, Cambridge, MA, October 12. (5).
My panel talk discusses a recent research study on MIT's architectural spaces in relation to history of scientific and artistic innovations at this research-based university. Full text of my panel talk on architectural examination of this project is available in my personal archive.
For my interview on this project and its examination science history, architectural spaces and their sounds at MIT, see:,
last accessed on 10.12.2018.,
last accessed on 10.12.2018.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker) 2018, “Uncovering Her Archive: Ayla Karacabey in Postwar U.S.”, the 71st Society of Architectural Historians, Annual International Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota, April.
Dr. Ekincioglu is an awardee of a Society of Architectural Historians, independent scholar fellowship in relation to this international conference.
.,accessed on April 18th 2018.
. (p.16),
last accessed on 4.18.2018.
Its PowerPoint presentation is available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2017, “A Challenging Journey in-between Türkiye and the U.S.: Woman’s Touch in Architectural Practice”, City University of New York, Woman and Gender Studies Program, New York City, NY, October 26.
., last accessed on 10.10. 2017.
Its PowerPoint presentation and video record are available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2017, “The Grand Flirtation: Feminist Operation of Architecture at Princeton University in the 1960s - the 1970s", Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Woman and Gender Studies Program, Intellectual Forum Series, Cambridge, MA, October 19.
., last accessed on March 20, 2020.
Its PowerPoint presentation is available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
For its vide record on youtube:
Its record on the Princeton University, Mudd Manuscript Library Blog:, accessed on September 20th, 2018.
., last accessed on 10.10.2017.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2017, "Historical Construction of Turkish Women Architects in Postwar US.: A Missing Chapter in Feminist Architecture History", International Women in Architecture Symposium, Virginia Tech, Virginia, March 24.
., last accessed on 3.21.2017.
Its record on Virginia Tech. page:, last accessed on 11.9.2017.
Its PowerPoint presentation is available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
., last accessed on 12.5.2018.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2017, “Uncovering a Gender-based Chapter in the Politics of Architecture History: Turkish Women Architects in Postwar U.S.”, Harvard University, New England Turkish Student Association-NETSA Express Series, Cambridge, MA, March 21.
Its PowerPoint presentation is available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2016, "Hacking the Politics of Gender in Architecture”,
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture Program, Cambridge, MA, March 10.
Its PowerPoint presentation is available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu. M. (speaker), 2009, “Terrorizing Istanbul’s Memories: Architectural Stories between Storage and Transmission”, International Conference, Media in Transition 6: Stone and Papyrus, Storage and Transmission, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, April 25.
• Ekincioglu. M. (speaker), 2009, “Terrorizing Istanbul’s Memories: Architectural Stories between Storage and Transmission”, International Conference, Media in Transition 6: Stone and Papyrus, Storage and Transmission, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, April 25.
last accessed on 12.9.2018.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2007, “Contemporary Media Practice in Turkish Architecture: from Arkitekt to Arkitera”, International Conference, Media in Transition 5: Creativity, Ownership and Collaboration in the Digital Age, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, April 27.
last accessed on 12.9.2018.
Submitted Systematic Research Reports, Proposals and Abstracts:
• Ekincioglu, M., 2023, A Few Notes and Questions for "the Research Committee of the Historic Interiors Affiliate Group at the Society of Architectural Historians" (the HIG-SAH AG), December 14. (3 pages, submitted to all Research Committee members by e-mail.).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2022, Resources on Archives and Collections on Historic Interiors with a Multidisciplinary Perspective (with a focus on recent pandemic and urgent global challenges, such as climate responsive design, public health, efficient energy usage, underrepresented communities & people in historic interiors.), the Historic Interiors Affiliate Group of the Society of Architectural Historians (the HIG-SAH), August 30. (a systematic research report, 40 pages, submitted to all members of the Historic Interiors Affiliate Group of the Society of Architectural Historians by e-mail).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2022, Proposals and Suggestions for “the Historic Interiors Affiliate Group of the Society of Architectural Historians (the HIG-SAH AG) Research Committee”, February 8. (6 pages, submitted to the HIG-SAH AG “Research Committee” members by e-mail).
• Ekincioglu, M. (invited panelist), 2022, Expanding the Limits of Intersectional Feminism in Today’s Architecture History. (abstract: 149 words). This abstract was submitted upon invitation e-mail by Anna Sokolina on February 26, 2022. (for an online panel at Architectural Intelligence Symposium AI.22 that will be held on April 19, 2022:, last accessed on February 26, 2022).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2021, “Diverse Women Architects and Diverse Women in Architecture in Archives / Collections in Archives and Bibliography”, systematic research conducted by Dr. Ekincioglu through her own research problem and research method, and submitted to the Society of Architectural Historians, Women in Architecture Affiliated Group by emails in January and February 2021 after its first online meeting in the early 2021.
Following the invitation e-mail by the founding chair of this SAH Affiliate Group to serve on their first Register Committee at the end of 2020 and the first online meeting in early 2021, I systematically researched, compiled and submitted my systematic research reports on archival and bibliography resources on "diverse women architects" and "diverse women in architecture" by emails to her. (The first proposal on 1.12.2021, 6 pages; the second file and research report on 1.29.2021, 28 pages; the third file and research report on 2.5.2021, 41 pages). © Meral Ekincioglu.
Following the invitation e-mail by the founding chair of this SAH Affiliate Group to serve on their first Register Committee at the end of 2020 and the first online meeting in early 2021, I systematically researched, compiled and submitted my systematic research reports on archival and bibliography resources on "diverse women architects" and "diverse women in architecture" by emails to her. (The first proposal on 1.12.2021, 6 pages; the second file and research report on 1.29.2021, 28 pages; the third file and research report on 2.5.2021, 41 pages). © Meral Ekincioglu.
See for more:
• Ekincioglu, M., 2020, Hacking MIT’s Diverse “Her”story in Architecture, proposal application for Women@MIT Spring 2021 Fellowship, November 16. (This proposal was submitted to MIT with three references; © Meral Ekincioglu, 2020).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2020, Historical Documentation Practice in the U.S. Architecture Education as Healing, the Society of Architectural Historians, Minority Scholars Affiliate Group, October 26, © Meral Ekincioglu, 2020.
I submitted this abstract upon request by Lynne Horiuchi, co-chair of the SAH Minority Scholars Affiliate Group in her e-mail on October 9, 2020 in order to contribute to scholarly discussions / projects on archives, historical documentation practice on minority communities in architecture. For the SAH Minority Scholars Affiliate Group,,scholars%20and%20allies%20to%20network, last accessed on 10.26.2020.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2020, “Historical Documentation in Architecture Education as Healing”, SAH 2021 Call for Virtual Program. (I submitted my abstract before the deadline and received its confirmation. For this virtual event,, last accessed on 10.10.2020, © Meral Ekincioglu, 2020).
* My presentations (2016-2018) as a speaker and an invited speaker are based on my advanced academic research project at the MIT, HTC Program (2014-2016). The academic sponsor of my advanced academic research project is the MIT, HTC Program and "all rights reserved".
1. I was invited by the co-moderator to this online panel with the title "Ayla Karacabey: Uncovering Her Archive" which is the same title of my published scholarly essay in her recent edited book, very similar topic and research in my SAH Annual and International Conference presentation in St. Paul, Minnesota in 2018. With my sincere thanks and deep ethic concerns, I clearly responded to her by e-mail that I could present "new and original research" in light of their panel topic and content. I received her confirmation e-mail, submitted my new and original research with a new title on the same woman architect's career to her before the panel. However, title of my panel talk was announced as "Ayla Karacabey: Uncovering Her Archive" and with the lack of information on my affiliation on several digital platforms. I sent a few friendly reminder emails to her with my ethic concerns, but the incorrect title and lack of information on my affiliation were remained the same on announcements. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) kindly corrected these issues on their official AIA announcement.
2. This is a joint abstract with Citizen TALES Commons members. Each member of CTC submitted his/her own abstract and own short presentation for this organization. Joint abstract title: “Redefining Civic Engagement: Lessons from Citizen Tales Commons”, chair: Dr. Vassiliki Rapti; participants: Rapti, V., Rigopoulos, D., Ekincioglu, M., Toloudi, Z., Mancini, E., Oliver, C., Yim, K., Trivilino, H.
3. This is a seminar presentation by Citizen TALES Common with title, Citizen Tales Commons: Imperceptibly off Walls. Convention title: Shaping and Sharing Identities: Spaces, Places, Languages and Cultures.
4. Moderator: Lee, S., Spaceus; M.Arch Cand., MIT; other panelists: Wiley, A. N., Asst. Prof. of Art History, Rutgers; Rouse, C., GSD AASU; MUP Cand., GSD.; Gali-Izard, T., Arquitectura Agronomia; Assoc. Prof. of LA, GSD.; Roberts, B., Bryony Roberts Studio; Visiting Prof., GSAPP.
4. Moderator: Lee, S., Spaceus; M.Arch Cand., MIT; other panelists: Wiley, A. N., Asst. Prof. of Art History, Rutgers; Rouse, C., GSD AASU; MUP Cand., GSD.; Gali-Izard, T., Arquitectura Agronomia; Assoc. Prof. of LA, GSD.; Roberts, B., Bryony Roberts Studio; Visiting Prof., GSAPP.
5. A Square and Half - The Colors are Sounding, an experimental book launch event featuring video and body performance, dance, piano and words and an open house panel discussion with Mary Sherman, Boston College, Northeastern University; Vassiliki Rapti, Emerson College; Meral Ekincioglu, former visiting and research scholar at MIT; Columbia and Harvard universities, Shane Adams, President of Artist Accelerator and a founding lyric / songwriting instructor for Berklee Online.
5. A Square and Half - The Colors are Sounding, an experimental book launch event featuring video and body performance, dance, piano and words and an open house panel discussion with Mary Sherman, Boston College, Northeastern University; Vassiliki Rapti, Emerson College; Meral Ekincioglu, former visiting and research scholar at MIT; Columbia and Harvard universities, Shane Adams, President of Artist Accelerator and a founding lyric / songwriting instructor for Berklee Online.
Peer-Reviewed Scientific Conferences, Symposiums, Panels and Talks on Architecture (International):
• Ekincioglu, M., Karacar, P., 2022, A Pioneering Woman in Interdisciplinary Architecture Education and Pedagogy in Türkiye, 8th International Conference on Gender Studies, Gender And Art and Other Gender Studies, Center for Women's Studies (CWS), Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Famagusta, North Cyprus, online, May 14.
Peer-Reviewed Scientific Conferences, Symposiums, Panels and Talks on Architecture
(in/to the Republic of Türkiye):
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2023, Climate Emergency and Climate Justice in Architecture and Interior Space, hybrid lecture, Rumeli University, Department of Architecture, Istanbul, October 26.
Its PowerPoint presentation is available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2021, Public Health and Health Technologies in Housing for the Post-Pandemic World, the Medipol University-Department of Architecture, online, May 27. (in English, with 103 audiences in architecture).
Its PowerPoint presentation is available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu, M. (moderator), 2021, Women in the Architecture Profession in Turkey and Germany" (Turkiye ve Almanya'da Mimarlik Mesleginde Kadinlar), online panel on the exhibition with the same title, panelists: Prof. Dr. Ing. Mary Pepchinski (Berlin), Prof. Dr. Ozlem Erdogdu Erkarslan (Izmir), curators of the exhibition, organization of the panel and exhibition by Goethe Institute Türkiye, May 4.
See,, last accessed on 5.4.2021.
See,, last accessed on 5.4.2021.
For its record, see:, last accessed on 6.5.2021.
For Tanja Scheffler's review on the exhibition of our online panel: Scheffler, T., 2021, "Kadin Mimar" (Woman Architect), Bauwelt, 17, pp. 6-9;, last accessed on 8.19.2021.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2021, "Hacking! COVID-19: Science in Architecture and Urban Systems", Architecture and Urbanism Research Academy (AURA) Istanbul, online, April 24. (in English)
., last accessed on 4.27.2021.
Its PowerPoint presentation is available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
YouTube:, last accessed on 4.27.2021.
Click for more
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2021, "Public Health in Workplaces for the Post-pandemic World: Through the Lens of the U.S. Architecture", Yeditepe University, Department of Architecture, online, April 19. (in English).
Its PowerPoint presentation is available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
., last accessed on 5.21.2021.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2020, Construction of Turkish Women Architects beyond National Borders: A Perspective on Historical and Intersectional Feminism from the U.S., Istanbul Technical University, Women Studies Center in Science, Engineering and Technology, December 23. (online and Turkish: “Turk Kadin Mimarlarinin Ulusal Sinirlar Otesinde Insasi: ABD’den Tarihsel ve Kesisimsel Feminizm'e Dair Bir Kesit”).
., last accessed on 12.23.2020.
PowerPoint presentation and the record of this online lecture is available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2020, Public Health in Architecture for Current and Future Pandemic Situations, Nisantasi University, Department of Architecture, online, November 25. (in English)
For its record:,
last accessed on 12.13.2020.
The PowerPoint presentation of this lecture is available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2020, Architectural Design Thinking and Practice for All, the Beykent University-Department of Architecture, (Faculty of Engineering and Architecture), online, May 22. (in English)
Powerpoint presentation of this online talk is available in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker), 2020, "Taskisla with Alumni", online meeting and conversation with architecture students at Istanbul Technical University (with 20 audiences in architecture), April 7.
., last accessed on 6.5.2020.
The record of this online meeting and conversation is in Dr. Ekincioglu's personal archive.
• Ekincioglu, M. (speaker, organization team member), 2000, “References from Architecture to Philosophy-from Philosophy to Architecture”, National Symposium, “Architecture-Philosophy I”, Istanbul Technical University and Istanbul University, Istanbul, Türkiye.
(Initiated by Dr. Ekincioglu, this symposium concept was supported by Dr. Safak Ural firstly, and then, developed by its organization team.). by Dr. Safak Ural as a concept firstly,
(Initiated by Dr. Ekincioglu, this symposium concept was supported by Dr. Safak Ural firstly, and then, developed by its organization team.). by Dr. Safak Ural as a concept firstly,