My Presentation on at "Building Bridges through Civic Engagement" held by Center for Global Communication at Emerson College
As a joint abstract submission and collaborative presentation by Citizen TALES Commons, my abstract and presentation have points out how COVID-19 has stimulated new potential of architecture's civic engagement to protect public health through digital technology, and pushed architecture's traditional methods and mindset to involve public issues. It can be claimed that architecture community (with students, faculty members and firms) has created a new kind of democratic and informal spaces by digital interconnections in order to produce face masks and shields in the US, and all of those "new" experiences invite us to think how this emerging mode of architecture's (digital) civic engagement (for public health) can incorporate into pedagogy of today's architecture education.
Ekincioglu, M., 2020, "Building Bridges between Architecture’s Civic Engagement and Society during COVID-19", Building Bridges Through Civic Engagement, Center for Global Communication, Emerson College, Boston, MA, US, October 23.
For its short video:
Credits of this joint abstract by Citizen TALES Commons members, joint: “Redefining Civic Engagement: Lessons from Citizen Tales Commons”, chair: Dr. Vassiliki Rapti; participants: Rapti, V., Rigopoulos, D., Ekincioglu, M., Toloudi, Z., Mancini, E., Oliver, C., Yim, K., Trivilino, H.
Each CTC member submitted his/her own abstract and presented their own short presentation under the CTC joint abstract's title, and essential argument. With my thanks to everyone who participated in this collaborative effort.