Citizen TALES Commons Exhibition, 2019, "Re-Imagining Civic Engagement: Art & Practice (CMAP), the New Urban Art Gallery at Emerson College, Boston, September.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2020, “The Life Cycle of Celile Berk in Postwar Architecture: Her Challenge at the MIT-Architecture and in the US”, the Life Cycles of Women in Architecture Exhibition. (My exhibition proposal has been selected for the shortlist of Women Who Design’s 2020 International Exhibition as of June 2020, and the WWD's Steering Committee has been working for the final of this international exhibition,, last accessed on 6.6.2020.)
• Ekincioglu, M. (contributor *), 2019, “Citizen TALES Commons”, as a part of the Exhibition: “Re-Imagining Civic Engagement, Civic Media: Art & Practice (CMAP)”, the New Urban Art Gallery at Emerson College, Boston, MA.
For the link of the exhibition:, accessed on 9.8.2019.
For the link of the exhibition:, accessed on 9.8.2019.
For its video record:
For its video record:
• Ekincioglu, M., 1996, The Fifth National Turkish Architecture Awards, travelling exhibition by Chamber of Architects of Turkey, Turkey. (Meral Ekincioglu was nominated as an award candidate by her graduation project at the Fifth National Architectural Awards by Chamber of Architects of Turkey in 1996, her architectural drawings and presentation were on display in this travelling exhibition).
“5th National Architecture Exhibition and Awards”, Architecture“: 5. Ulusal Mimarlik Sergisi ve Ödülleri 1996”, Mimarlik, 1996, No: 270, Ankara, pp.15, 29;, last accessed on 6.1.2020.
*With Elisa Hamilton, Emily Baeza, Isaiah Frisbie, Hannah Trivilino, Bella Bennett, Peter Botteas, Marcell D. Murray, the Engagement Lab. at Emerson College.