Publication / Page 16
Scholarly appearance on newsletters, official pages and social media
by scholarly and architectural organizations
(in a chronological order)
Meral Ekincioglu Named Associate Editor of SAHARA, July 19th, 2024.
SAH (the Society of Architectural Historians) News.

Link:, last accessed on July 22nd, 2024.
The Historic Interiors Affiliate Group of the Society of Architectural Historians (HIG-SAH), March 5, 2024.
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D., co-moderator of “Vienna & the New Wohnkultur, 1918-1938”, book talk by Michelle Jackson-Beckett, Design Historian and Research Committee member of HIG-SAH).
Link:, last accessed on 5.8.2024, last accessed on 6.20.2024.
The Historic Interiors Affiliate Group of the Society of Architectural Historians (HIG-SAH), May,  2024.
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D., co-moderator of “Vienna & the New Wohnkultur, 1918-1938”, book talk by Michelle Jackson-Beckett, Design Historian and Research Committee member of HIG-SAH).
Link:, last accessed on 6.20.2024.
The Historic Interiors Affiliate Group of the Society of Architectural Historians (HIG-SAH), May, 2024
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D., co-moderator of “Vienna & the New Wohnkultur, 1918-1938”, book talk by Michelle Jackson-Beckett, Design Historian and Research Committee member of HIG-SAH).
Link:, last accessed on 5.8.2024, last accessed on 6.20.2024.
Arkitera, Architectural Center in Türkiye, April 28, 2024
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D., co-moderator of “Vienna & the New Wohnkultur, 1918-1938”, book talk by Michelle Jackson-Beckett, Design Historian and Research Committee member of HIG-SAH).
Link: “Mimarlık Tarihçileri Topluluğu, Tarihi İç Mekanlar Grubu” Çevrimiçi Etkinliği”, Arkitera, April 28, 2024,, last accessed on 6.20.2024.
• The Society of Architectural Historians, News, November, 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as the panel chair of "Health Equity in Architecture at the Intersection of Teaching, Archive and Curating");
Link:, last accessed on 11.3.2023.
• Epidemic Urbanism Initiative, November 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as the panel chair of "Health Equity in Architecture at the Intersection of Teaching, Archive and Curating");

Link:, last accessed on 11.7.2023.

H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online (Main office of H-Net resides at the History Department, Michigan State University; its editors and subscribers come from all over the globe.), October 31, 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as the panel chair of "Health Equity in Architecture at the Intersection of Teaching, Archive and Curating");
Link:, last accessed on 11.3.2023.
European Architectural History Network, October 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as the panel chair of "Health Equity in Architecture at the Intersection of Teaching, Archive and Curating");
Link:, last accessed on 11.3.2023.
Task Force on Health Promoting Built Environments, November 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as the panel chair of "Health Equity in Architecture at the Intersection of Teaching, Archive and Curating");
Link:, last accessed on 11.30.2023.
Arkitera, Architectural Center in Türkiye, October 25, 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as the panel chair of "Health Equity in Architecture at the Intersection of Teaching, Archive and Curating" by Epidemic Urbanism Initiative);
Link:, last accessed on 12.1.2023.
• “Historic Interiors Affiliate Group (HIG) of the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH)”,  
Fall 2023 Newsletter and Calendar, October 16, 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as a speaker at the SAH’s 76th International Conference, virtual session in 2023)
Link:, last accessed on 12.31.2023.
Yapi (Building, professional architectural journal, 1970-present), September 7, 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as the author of the architectural article on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Nano Building)
Link:, last accessed on 9.15.2023.
•“Historic Interiors Affiliate Group (HIG) of the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH)”,  
HIG Members Share Their Research, August 30, 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as a speaker at the SAH’s 76th International Conference, virtual session in 2023)
Link:, last accessed on 12.31.2023.
Tokyay, M., 2023, “Women Rectors’ Spring” (Kadin Rektorler Bahari), Perspektif, May 6, 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as a panelist at “Convergence” by the Harvard University-Graduate School of Design-Women in Architecture Group and a scholar on women & gender in architecture)
Link:, last accessed on 5.12.2023.
Arkitera, Architectural Center in Türkiye, April 10, 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as a co-organizer and welcoming of the online panel, “Flow: At the Intersection of Historic Interiors and Archives” by the Research Committee of the Historic Interiors Affiliate Group of the Society of Architectural Historians);
Link:, last accessed on 5.1.2023.
Arkitera, Architectural Center in Türkiye, March 26, 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as a scientific committee member of scientific committee member, ICAG . VI International Conference on Architecture and Gender, Valencia, 2023);
Link:, last accessed on 4.10.2023.
Serbest Mimar (Professional Architect), March 30, 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as the author of the architectural article, "After the Demolishing of Geller I, Design by Marcel Breuer")
Link:, last accessed on 4.10.2023.
“Historic Interiors Affiliate Group (HIG) of the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH)”,  
Spring 2023 Newsletter, February 18, 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as the guest editor of SAHARA, the Society of Architectural Historians’ open-source collection of architectural photography; organizer of the HIG-SAH-Research Committee’s online panel at the intersection of archives and historic interiors; a speaker at the SAH’s 76th International Conference, virtual session in 2023).
Link:, last accessed on 12.31.2023.
The Society of Architectural Historians (SAH), official Instagram page (sah1365), January 31, 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as the guest editor of SAHARA, a digital image archive developed by the Society of Architectural Historians in collaboration with Artstor and funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation)
Link:, last accessed on 2.8.2023.
"The Society of Architectural Historians" (SAH), News, January 25, 2023
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as the guest editor of SAHARA, a digital image archive developed by the Society of Architectural Historians in collaboration with Artstor and funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation)
Link:, last accessed on 1.25.2023
Arkitera, Architectural Center in Türkiye, June 21, 2022
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. on "Hacking Architecture as Public Health: Architectural Education in between Two Worlds during the Pandemic);
Link:, last accessed on 6.25.2022.
The SAH Women in Architecture, Affiliate Group, Registers Committee, October 15, 2021
("Collections’ first register: Gratitude to Meral Ekincioglu for initial submissions" -on archives, systematic research, 40 pages-)
Link:, last accessed on 10.20.2021
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Events Calendar, May 18, 2021
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as the speaker on “Celile Berk at MIT: A Female Architect in Public Health” at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Women League)
Link:, last accessed on 5.25.2021.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Office of Sustainability, May 18, 2021
(Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D. as the speaker on “Celile Berk at MIT: A Female Architect in Public Health” at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Women League)
Link:, last accessed on 5.25.2021.