Architectural Essays, Articles and Reviews
Publication / Page 8
PORTFOLYO, Architectural journal (Turkish), co-founding editor: Meral Ekincioglu.
Translations on Architecture
Ekincioglu, M, 2020, An Up-to-date Example of Campus Planning and Design Practice in the 21st Century: Columbia University, Manhattanville Campus.
Ekincioglu, M, 2019, Religion and Faith in the Multicultural World through the Eye of Modern and Contemporary Architectural Design: Three Examples from the University Campuses in the US.
Ekincioglu, M, 2019, A Feminist Architectural Threshold in the History of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Ekincioglu, M, 2019, A Justified Rebellion by the Harvard University-Graduate School of Design: Convergence.
Ekincioglu, M, (interviewee) 2020, Archival Innovators: Dr. Meral Ekincioglu.
Ekincioglu, M, (interviewee) 2020, On Equal and Inclusive Nature of Architecture , Mursel Cavus.
Ekincioglu, M, (interviewee) 2018, A Turkish Woman Architect in the US.
Ekincioglu, M, (interviewee) 2018, A Turkish Woman Architect in the US.
Ekincioglu, M., 2020, “A Vital Test for the Resiliency of the Architecture Profession and its Practice: A Perspective on COVID-19 in the US”, April 13rd, Mimarizm
As I have received their editorial confirmations by e-mails, my two articles will be published by two architectural journals (in the beginning of 2021).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2020, On Contemporary Architectural Problems through the Lens of “Society of Architectural Historians” Conference, Ege Mimarlik, architectural journal by Chamber of Architects of Turkey, Izmir Branch, November, 2020/4, No. 108, Izmir, Turkey, pp. 24-29.
This is a Turkish review on the First Virtual and the 73rd Society of Architectural Historians, SAH International and Annual Conference: Ekincioglu, M., 2020, “Society of Architectural Historians” Konferansı Merceğinden Çağdaş Mimarlığın Problemlerine Dair”, Ege Mimarlik Dergisi, Kasim 2020/4, No. 108, Mimarlar Odasi, Izmir Subesi yayini, Izmir, s.24-29.;, last accessed on December 8, 2020.
This is a Turkish review on the First Virtual and the 73rd Society of Architectural Historians, SAH International and Annual Conference: Ekincioglu, M., 2020, “Society of Architectural Historians” Konferansı Merceğinden Çağdaş Mimarlığın Problemlerine Dair”, Ege Mimarlik Dergisi, Kasim 2020/4, No. 108, Mimarlar Odasi, Izmir Subesi yayini, Izmir, s.24-29.;, last accessed on December 8, 2020.
., last accessed on January 1, 2021.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2020, "Pandemic", in Serbest Mimar, June, No. 37, Ankara, pp. 56-57. (Turkish).
See,,serbest-mimar-37webson.pdf?0&_tag1=96E366F8D3290B627EDFBBD9989B018E8D76BE61, last accessed on 12.1.2020.
(This is a dossier by this architecture periodical and focuses on the influence of COVID-19 outbreak on architecture and urban environment in different countries and cities. In this respect, my published comments and answers to editors' questions indicate and elaborate the importance of the collaboration between science and architecture, the role of research-based universities to overcome this unprecedented public health crisis, etc. in the US. More specifically, my published answers offer a perspective on Boston Mayor's projects and initiatives to prevent and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the city).
(This is a dossier by this architecture periodical and focuses on the influence of COVID-19 outbreak on architecture and urban environment in different countries and cities. In this respect, my published comments and answers to editors' questions indicate and elaborate the importance of the collaboration between science and architecture, the role of research-based universities to overcome this unprecedented public health crisis, etc. in the US. More specifically, my published answers offer a perspective on Boston Mayor's projects and initiatives to prevent and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the city).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2020, “A Vital Test for the Resiliency of the Architecture Profession and its Practice: A Perspective on COVID-19 in the US”, April 13rd. (Architectural article in Turkish:
“Mimarlik Meslegi ve Pratigine Dair Hayati Bir Test: ABD’den COVID-19’a Dair Bir Kesit” published by “Mimarizm”, one of the leading architecture and design portal in Turkish architecture.)
last accessed on 4.13.2020.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2020, "An Up-to-date Example of Campus Planning and Design Practice in the 21st Century: Columbia University, Manhattanville Campus", Serbest Mimar, February, No: 35, Ankara, pp. 88-95. (Architectural article in Turkish: “21. Yuzyil Kampus Planlama ve Tasarim Pratigine Guncel Bir Ornek: Columbia Universitesi Manhattanville Kampusu”).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2019, "Religion and Faith in the Multicultural World through the Eye of Modern and Contemporary Architectural Design: Three Examples from American University Campuses", Serbest Mimar, September, No: 34, Ankara, pp. 92-98. (Architectural article in Turkish: “Modern ve Cagdas Mimari Tasarimin Gozuyle Cok Kulturlu Dunyada Din ve Inanc: ABD Universite Kampuslerinden Uc Ornek”).
.,serbest-mimar-34web.pdf?0, last accessed on 2.18.2020.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2019, "A Justified Rebellion by the Harvard University, Graduate School of Design: Convergence", Mimar-ist, Fall issue, No: 66, Istanbul, pp. 5-7. (Architectural review in Turkish: “Harvard Universitesi, Graduate School of Design’dan Hakli bir Isyan: Convergence").
• Ekincioglu, M., 2019, "A Justified Rebellion by the Harvard University, Graduate School of Design: Convergence", Mimar-ist, Fall issue, No: 66, Istanbul, pp. 5-7. (Architectural review in Turkish: “Harvard Universitesi, Graduate School of Design’dan Hakli bir Isyan: Convergence").
(My published review on “Convergence” held by the Harvard University-GSD, Women in Design” where I was invited as a panel speaker. Mimar-ist, an architectural journal published by the Chamber of Architects of Turkey, Istanbul Branch)
., last accessed on 2.20.2020.
For “Convergence” held by the Harvard University, Graduate School of Design:, last accessed on 2.20.2020.
For “Convergence” held by the Harvard University, Graduate School of Design:
• Ekincioglu, M., 2019, "A Feminist Architectural Threshold in the History of Massachusetts Institute of Technology", Serbest Mimar, Ankara, June, pp. 62-67. (Architectural article in Turkish: "Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tarihinde Feminist Bir Esik").
.,serbest-mimar-33pdf.pdf?0, last accessed on 2.18.2020.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2016, "Hacking the Politics of Gender in Architecture: A Documentary on Aliye Pekin Celik, from the Old Boys School to the United Nations", Architexx, June 10th.
., last accessed on 6.25.2016.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2016, “Tarihe Imza Atan Bir Turk Kadin Mimar”, Herkese Bilim Teknoloji, June 24th, pp. 26. (A Turkish text by Dr. Ekincioglu published by a Turkish periodical on science and technology).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2016, “Tarihe Imza Atan Bir Turk Kadin Mimar”, Herkese Bilim Teknoloji, June 24th, pp. 26. (A Turkish text by Dr. Ekincioglu published by a Turkish periodical on science and technology).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2003, “A Little Story from Le Corbusier: Villa La Roche”, in PORTFOLYO Architectural Magazine, January-February, Liman Publishing Company, Istanbul, pp. 74-79. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2001, “An Architect playing the Game…”, in Arredamento Architectural Journal, June, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, pp. 52-54. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2001, “An Architect playing the Game…”, in Arredamento Architectural Journal, June, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, pp. 52-54. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2001, “Barcelona Pavillion: Seduction of Modernity", in Arredamento Architectural Journal, May, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, pp. 94-99. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2001, “Barcelona Pavillion: Seduction of Modernity", in Arredamento Architectural Journal, May, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, pp. 94-99. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2001, “Rem Koolhaas”, in Boyut Contemporary World Architects Series 13, March, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, pp. 65-79. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2000, “Foresight and Legend”, in Arredamento Architectural Journal, October, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, pp. 111-115. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 1996, “Science and Philosopy in Architecture”, in Arredamento Architectural Journal, November, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, pp. 96-100. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2000, “Foresight and Legend”, in Arredamento Architectural Journal, October, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, pp. 111-115. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 1996, “Science and Philosopy in Architecture”, in Arredamento Architectural Journal, November, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, pp. 96-100. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M. (interviewee), 2020, “Archival Innovators: Dr. Meral Ekincioglu”, ArchivesAware!, Awareness and Outreach Resources for Archivists,, March 17.
In this installation of Archival Innovators, SAA Committee on Public Awareness [COPA] member Rachel Seale interviews Dr. Meral Ekincioglu on her research project and its findings in regards to diversity and underrepresented architecture communities in archives at pioneering schools of architecture in the United States.
In this installation of Archival Innovators, SAA Committee on Public Awareness [COPA] member Rachel Seale interviews Dr. Meral Ekincioglu on her research project and its findings in regards to diversity and underrepresented architecture communities in archives at pioneering schools of architecture in the United States.
• Ekincioglu, M. (interviewee), 2020, “On Architecture and Woman with Meral Ekincioglu”, Mimarizm (Turkish interview by Mimarizm: “Meral Ekincioğlu ile Mimarlık ve Kadın" Üzerine).
., last accessed 3.14.2020.
• Ekincioglu, M. (interviewee), 2020, "On Equal and Inclusive Nature of Architecture" (interview by Mursel Cavus).
last accessed on 2.17.2020.
• Ekincioglu, M. (interviewer), 2020, "A Conversation with Vassiliki Rapti: On “Citizen Tales Commons” and Challenges of Citizenship in Today’s World, Journal of Civic Media, Emerson College Publication, MA, US. (forthcoming, December, 2020).
• Ekincioglu, M. (interviewer), 2018, “Hacking MIT with Ivaana Muse: Music Researcher, Lyrical Storyteller and Sound Artist”, (an interview with Ivaana Muse on her interdisciplinary project based on her in-depth research and close-reading on architectural space, art, science, technology, sound at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and her creative music production), October. (forth-coming).
The book including this interview will be published in 2020. For its news and the full text of this interview to introduce the project by Ivaana Muse at MIT:
., accessed on September 13, 2018., accessed on September 13, 2018., accessed on September 13, 2018.
• Ekincioglu, M. (interviewee), 2018, "Amerika'da Bir Turk Kadin Mimar" (A Turkish Woman Architect in America), in Bizim Anadolu,, April 10th, accessed on April 12th 2018.
This is a Turkish interview with me on the findings of my advanced academic research project, "historical recognition of Turkish and Turkish American women architects of the postwar generation in the U.S." at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture Program.
• Ekincioglu, M. (interviewer), 2016, “Two Significant Turkish Profiles at Princeton University in the 1960s: A Perspective on the Transformative Landscape of Cross-Cultural Exchanges between Turkey and the US. (Bilgi Denel: A 45 Year Teaching Career in Architecture)”; .
., June 30th. (English). click to read
• Ekincioglu, M. (interviewer), 2016, “Two Significant Turkish Profiles at Princeton University in the 1960s: A Perspective on the Transformative Landscape of Cross-Cultural Exchanges between Turkey and the US. (Sener Ozsahin: A Successfull Career from Princeton University to the Professional World in Turkey)”.
., June 30th. (English).
• Ekincioglu, M. (interviewer), 2007, "Interview with John Morris Dixon" (former editor of Progressive Architecture and a graduate of MIT-Architecture), Connecticut, May 8th. (unpublished interview);
• Ekincioglu, M. (interviewer), 1999,“Eartquake in Marmara and Technology” an interview with Prof. Dr. Feridun Çılı (ITU), Arredamento Architectural Journal, October, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, pp. 72-76. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M. (interviewer), 1996, “On Deterrotialisation and Deleuze”, an interview with Assoc. Prof. Ali Akay (MSU), Tasarım Architectural Magazine, Tasarım Publishing Group, Istanbul. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M. (interviewer), 1996, “On Deterrotialisation and Deleuze”, an interview with Assoc. Prof. Ali Akay (MSU), Tasarım Architectural Magazine, Tasarım Publishing Group, Istanbul. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2020, “Covid-19’s Scientific Research and Education Dynamics at MIT”, in Science and Technology to Everyone, May 4th. (Turkish article: “MIT’de Bilimsel Araştırma ve Eğitimin Covid-19 Dinamikleri”), May 4th, last accessed on 5.4.2020., May 4th, last accessed on 5.4.2020.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2020, “Before COVID-19 and Return to Life Again”, in Karanlik Oda by Mimarizm (“Dark Room”, a special section on architectural photography by Mimarizm, one of the leading architecture and design portals in Turkish architecture), June, Istanbul; June.
., last accessed on 7.2.2020.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2003, "AA Schools, Final Architectural Projects", PORTFOLYO Architectural Magazine, September-October, Liman Publishing Company, Istanbul, pp.74-79. (from English into Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2003, “Slovenia Architecture”, PORTFOLYO Architectural Magazine, May-June, Liman Publishing Company, Istanbul, pp. 70-85. (from English into Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2003, “Designing with New Materials, from Bakelite to Composite”, PORTFOLYO Architectural Magazine, March-April, Liman Publishing Company, Istanbul, pp. 78-83. (from English into Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2003, “Penetrating in Topography: Plasma Studio”, PORTFOLYO Architectural Magazine, January-February, Liman Publishing Company, Istanbul, pp. 65-72. (from English into Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2003, “Slovenia Architecture”, PORTFOLYO Architectural Magazine, May-June, Liman Publishing Company, Istanbul, pp. 70-85. (from English into Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2003, “Designing with New Materials, from Bakelite to Composite”, PORTFOLYO Architectural Magazine, March-April, Liman Publishing Company, Istanbul, pp. 78-83. (from English into Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2003, “Penetrating in Topography: Plasma Studio”, PORTFOLYO Architectural Magazine, January-February, Liman Publishing Company, Istanbul, pp. 65-72. (from English into Turkish).
Ekincioglu, M., 2020, “Covid-19's Scientific Research and Education Dynamics at MIT", in Science and Technology to Everyone, May 4th.
, IN
On Architecture Photography
Articles on Science, Scientific Projects
Ekincioglu, M., 2020, On Contemporary Architectural Problems through the Lens of "Society of Architectural Historians Conference, Ege Mimarlik, November, No. 108, Izmir, pp. 24-29.
Ekincioglu, M, (interviewee) 2020, On Architecture and Women, Mimarizm.