Architectural Essays, Articles and Reviews
Publication / Page 6
• Ekincioglu, M., 2023, the MIT-Nano Building, Yapi (“Building”), peer-reviewed architectural journal, July-August issue, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 56-63.
., last accessed on 7.6.2023.
All photographs from the interior and exterior spaces of the MIT-Nano Building (including its "clean rooms") have been taken by me with the MIT’s permission. “Yapi” (“Building”) is one of the oldest professional architectural journals in Turkish architecture since “1973”.
All photographs from the interior and exterior spaces of the MIT-Nano Building (including its "clean rooms") have been taken by me with the MIT’s permission. “Yapi” (“Building”) is one of the oldest professional architectural journals in Turkish architecture since “1973”.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2023, After Demolition of “Geller I” House, a Marcel Breuer’s Design, Serbest Mimar, architectural journal published by "Turk Serbest Mimarlar Dernegi" (Ing. Turkish Professional Architects Association), No: 46, Ankara, Türkiye, pp. 76-81. (My architectural article in Turkish: "Marcel Breuer Tasarimi 'Geller I' Evinin Yikiminin Ardindan". Upon the journal’s request, I had researched, written and submitted this architectural article in March 2022, and it could be published in January 2023 due to the ongoing pandemic and a new publishing organization of the journal).
• Ekincioglu, M, 2022, Kenneth Frampton and "Other Modern Movement, Architecture 1920-1970", (my book review), “Ege Mimarlik” (Ing. Aegean Architecture), peer-reviewed architectural journal by Chamber of Architects of Türkiye, Izmir Branch, October (December), Izmir, Türkiye, pp. 76-81. (My review on Kenneth Frampton’s recent book; Other Modern Movement, Architecture 1920-1970, in Turkish. October issue of the architectural journal has been published in December due to this ongoing pandemic).
., last accessed on 12.15.2022.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2022, "For a Better Architecture at the Intersection of Problems and Resolutions" , “Dosya” (Ing. Dossier), peer-reviewed architectural journal published by Chamber of Architects of Türkiye, No. 51, November, Ankara, Türkiye, pp. 19-31. (My architectural essay in Turkish: Problem ve Cozumlerin "Kesisiminde" Daha Iyi Bir Mimarlik Icin).
., last accessed on 11.28.2022.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2022, On a Symposium by AIA-Silicon Valley Chapter and Intersectional Feminism for Healthy Post-pandemic Architecture, Mimarizm, leading architectural portal in Turkish architecture. (My architectural review in Turkish: Pandemi Sonrasi Saglikli Bir Mimarlik Icin, AIA-Silikon Vadisi’nden Bir Sempozyum ve Kesisimsel Feminizme Dair).
., last accessed on 6.21.2022.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2022, Hacking! Architecture as Public Health: Architecture Education in between Two Worlds, Arkitera, architectural portal by Arkitera Architecture Center in Türkiye. (My architectural article in Turkish: Kamu Sagligi Olarak Mimarligi “Hack”lemek: Pandemi Surecinde Iki Dunya Arasinda Mimarlik Egitimi), .
• Ekincioglu, M., 2022, Hacking! Architecture as Public Health: Architecture Education in between Two Worlds, Arkitera, architectural portal by Arkitera Architecture Center in Türkiye. (My architectural article in Turkish: Kamu Sagligi Olarak Mimarligi “Hack”lemek: Pandemi Surecinde Iki Dunya Arasinda Mimarlik Egitimi), .
., last accessed on 6.21.2022.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2021, “Potential of COVID-19 for the Dialogue between Architecture Design Education and Practice”, Serbest Mimar, architectural journal published by "Turk Serbest Mimarlar Dernegi" (Ing. Turkish Professional Architects Association), No. 40-41, June, Ankara, Türkiye, pp. 97-99. (My architectural article in Turkish: “Mimari Tasarim Egitimi ve Pratigi Arasindaki Diyalog Icin COVID-19’un Tasidigi Potansiyel”).
.,40-41web.pdf?0&_tag1=8980390A8E2A212BB72FABD5163ED8F31489441F, last accessed on 8.12.2021.
• Ekincioglu, E. (ed)., 2021, “Connection between Architecture Design Education and Practice through COVID-19 Experience”: Architecture Design Practitioners’ Experience and Suggestions”, Serbest Mimar, architectural journal published by "Turk Serbest Mimarlar Dernegi" (Ing. Turkish Professional Architects Association), June, No. 40-41, Ankara, Türkiye, pp. 86-96. (Turkish: “COVID-19 Deneyimi ile “Mimari Tasarim Egitimi ve Pratigi” Arasindaki Bag: Mimari Tasarim Pratisyenlerinin Deneyim ve Onerileri”).
• Ekincioglu, E. (ed)., 2021, “Connection between Architecture Design Education and Practice through COVID-19 Experience”: Architecture Design Practitioners’ Experience and Suggestions”, Serbest Mimar, architectural journal published by "Turk Serbest Mimarlar Dernegi" (Ing. Turkish Professional Architects Association), June, No. 40-41, Ankara, Türkiye, pp. 86-96. (Turkish: “COVID-19 Deneyimi ile “Mimari Tasarim Egitimi ve Pratigi” Arasindaki Bag: Mimari Tasarim Pratisyenlerinin Deneyim ve Onerileri”).
.,40-41web.pdf?0&_tag1=8980390A8E2A212BB72FABD5163ED8F31489441F, last accessed on 8.12.2021.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2021, A Perspective from the U.S. on Architecture Education during COVID-19, Mimarist, peer-reviewed architectural journal published by Chamber of Architects of Türkiye, Istanbul Branch, Winter issue, No. 70, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 68-74. (My architectural essay in Turkish: "COVID-19 Surecinde Mimarlik Egitimi Uzerine ABD'den Bir Perspektif")
., last accessed on 2.17.2021.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2020, On Contemporary Architectural Problems through the Lens of “Society of Architectural Historians” Conference, (my review on the SAH international and annual conference), Ege Mimarlik, (Ing. Aegean Architecture), peer-reviewed architectural journal by Chamber of Architects of Turkey, Izmir Branch, November, 2020/4, No. 108, Izmir, Türkiye, pp. 24-29. (My review in Turkish: Mimarlik Tarihcileri Toplulugu Konferansi'nin Merceginden Cagdas Mimarligin Problemlerine Dair).
This is a Turkish review on the First Virtual and the 73rd Society of Architectural Historians, SAH International and Annual Conference: Ekincioglu, M., 2020, “Society of Architectural Historians” Konferansı Merceğinden Çağdaş Mimarlığın Problemlerine Dair”, Ege Mimarlik Dergisi, Kasim 2020/4, No. 108, Mimarlar Odasi, Izmir Subesi yayini, Izmir, s.24-29.;, last accessed on 12.8.2020.
This is a Turkish review on the First Virtual and the 73rd Society of Architectural Historians, SAH International and Annual Conference: Ekincioglu, M., 2020, “Society of Architectural Historians” Konferansı Merceğinden Çağdaş Mimarlığın Problemlerine Dair”, Ege Mimarlik Dergisi, Kasim 2020/4, No. 108, Mimarlar Odasi, Izmir Subesi yayini, Izmir, s.24-29.;, last accessed on 12.8.2020.
., last accessed on 1.1.2021.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2020, “A Vital Test for the Resiliency of the Architecture Profession and its Practice: A Perspective on COVID-19 in the US”, April 13rd, Mimarizm, leading architectural portal in Turkish architecture.
(My architectural article in Turkish: “Mimarlik Meslegi ve Pratigine Dair Hayati Bir Test: ABD’den COVID-19’a Dair Bir Kesit”.)
last accessed on 4.13.2020.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2020, "An Up-to-date Example of Campus Planning and Design Practice in the 21st Century: Columbia University, Manhattanville Campus", Serbest Mimar, architectural journal published by "Turk Serbest Mimarlar Dernegi" (Ing. Turkish Professional Architects Association), February, No: 35, Ankara, Türkiye, pp. 88-95. (My architectural article in Turkish: “21. Yuzyil Kampus Planlama ve Tasarim Pratigine Guncel Bir Ornek: Columbia Universitesi Manhattanville Kampusu”).
., last accessed on 12.15.2022.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2019, "Religion and Faith in the Multicultural World through the Eye of Modern and Contemporary Architectural Design: Three Examples from American University Campuses", Serbest Mimar, architectural journal published by "Turk Serbest Mimarlar Dernegi" (Ing. Turkish Professional Architects Association), September, No: 34, Ankara, Türkiye, pp. 92-98. (My architectural article in Turkish: “Modern ve Cagdas Mimari Tasarimin Gozuyle Cok Kulturlu Dunyada Din ve Inanc: ABD Universite Kampuslerinden Uc Ornek”).
., last accessed on 12.15.2022.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2019, "A Justified Rebellion by the Harvard University, Graduate School of Design: Convergence", (my review on "Convergence), Mimar-ist, peer-reviewed architectural journal published by Chamber of Architects of Turkey, Istanbul Branch, Fall issue, No: 66, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 5-7. (My architectural review in Turkish: “Harvard Universitesi, Graduate School of Design’dan Hakli bir Isyan: Convergence").
• Ekincioglu, M., 2019, "A Justified Rebellion by the Harvard University, Graduate School of Design: Convergence", (my review on "Convergence), Mimar-ist, peer-reviewed architectural journal published by Chamber of Architects of Turkey, Istanbul Branch, Fall issue, No: 66, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 5-7. (My architectural review in Turkish: “Harvard Universitesi, Graduate School of Design’dan Hakli bir Isyan: Convergence").
(My published review on “Convergence” held by the Harvard University-GSD, Women in Design” where I was invited as a panel speaker. Mimar-ist, an architectural journal published by the Chamber of Architects of Turkey, Istanbul Branch)
., last accessed on 2.20.2020.
For “Convergence” held by the Harvard University, Graduate School of Design:, last accessed on 2.20.2020.
For “Convergence” held by the Harvard University, Graduate School of Design:
• Ekincioglu, M., 2019, "A Feminist Architectural Threshold in the History of Massachusetts Institute of Technology", Serbest Mimar, architectural journal published by "Turk Serbest Mimarlar Dernegi" (Ing. Turkish Professional Architects Association), No. 33, June, Ankara, Türkiye, pp. 62-67. (My architectural article in Turkish: "Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tarihinde Feminist Bir Esik").
., last accessed on 2.18.2020.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2016, "Hacking the Politics of Gender in Architecture: A Documentary on Aliye Pekin Celik, from the Old Boys School to the United Nations", Architexx, June 10th.
., last accessed on 6.25.2016.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2016, “Tarihe Imza Atan Bir Turk Kadin Mimar”, Herkese Bilim Teknoloji, June 24th, pp. 26.
• Ekincioglu, M., 2016, “Tarihe Imza Atan Bir Turk Kadin Mimar”, Herkese Bilim Teknoloji, June 24th, pp. 26.
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2003, “A Little Story from Le Corbusier: Villa La Roche”, in PORTFOLYO Architectural Magazine, January-February, Liman Publishing Company, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 74-79. (My architectural article in Turkish: Villa La Roche, Le Corbusier'den Kucuk Bir Oyku. My published architectural article is based on my architectural visit to Villa La Roche in Paris through my photographs, historical examination of its creative spatial organization, and its importance in Le Corbusier's architecture design vocabulary.).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2001, “If He is an Architect to set up the Game...", in Arredamento Architectural Journal, June, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 52-54. (My architectural article in Turkish: "Oyunu Kurgulayan Bir Mimarsa...").
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2001, “If He is an Architect to set up the Game...", in Arredamento Architectural Journal, June, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 52-54. (My architectural article in Turkish: "Oyunu Kurgulayan Bir Mimarsa...").
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2001, “Barcelona Pavillion: Seduction of Modernity", in Arredamento Architectural Journal, May, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 94-99. (My architectural article, Barcelona Pavyonu: Modernin Bastan Cikariciligi. My published architectural article is based on my architectural visit to Barcelona Pavillion with my photographs and historical examination on the importance of its innovative techtonic, details and spatial organization design).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2001, “Barcelona Pavillion: Seduction of Modernity", in Arredamento Architectural Journal, May, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 94-99. (My architectural article, Barcelona Pavyonu: Modernin Bastan Cikariciligi. My published architectural article is based on my architectural visit to Barcelona Pavillion with my photographs and historical examination on the importance of its innovative techtonic, details and spatial organization design).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2001, “Rem Koolhaas and a few Possible Hints for the Future”, in Boyut Contemporary World Architects Series 13, March, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 65-79. (My article in Turkish: Rem Koolhaas ve Gelecege Dair Birkac Ipucu. My published architectural article is based on my architectural visit to some iconic contemporary buildings designed by Rem Koolhaas with OMA architectural design team in the Netherlands.).
Ekincioglu, M., 2001, “KolnMesse 2001 or Visible Side of Zeitgeist”, Arredamento Architectural Journal, March, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 110-115. (My architectural article in Turkish: KolnMesse 2001 ve Zeitgeist'in Gorunur Yuzu. My published architectural article is based on my visit to KolnMesse Design Exhibition as an invited architectural editor, features some innovative design projects exhibited in this significant event and their importance in the progress of design discipline in the beginning of the 21st Century.).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2000, “Foresight and Legend”, in Arredamento Architectural Journal, October, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 111-115. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 2000, “Foresight and Legend”, in Arredamento Architectural Journal, October, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 111-115. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M., 2000, “Tate Modern, Rebirth of Power Plant”, Arredamento Architectural Journal, Boyut Publishing Group, September, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 68-72. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 1996, “Science and Philosopy in Architecture”, in Arredamento Architecture, November, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 96-100. (Turkish).
• Ekincioglu, M.; 1996, “Science and Philosopy in Architecture”, in Arredamento Architecture, November, Boyut Publishing Group, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 96-100. (Turkish).

Ekincioglu, M., 2022, "For a Better Architecture at the Intersection of Problems and Resolutions" has just come out by “Dosya” (Dossier), journal by Chambers of Architects of Turkey, Ankara, November, No. 51, pp. 19-31.
(In Turkish: Problem ve Cozumlerin "Kesisiminde" Daha Iyi Bir Mimarlik Icin).

Ekincioglu, M, 2022, Kenneth Frampton and "Other Modern Movement 1920-1970", “Ege Mimarlik” (Aegean Architecture), architectural journal by Chamber of Architects of Turkey, Izmir Branch, October, Izmir, Turkey, pp.79-81.Turkey, pp. pp. 79-81.

Ekincioglu, M, 2020, An Up-to-date Example of Campus Planning and Design Practice in the 21st Century: Columbia University, Manhattanville Campus., Serbest Mimar, February, No.35, Ankara, pp.88-95.
Ekincioglu, M, 2019, Religion and Faith in the Multicultural World through the Eye of Modern and Contemporary Architectural Design: Three Examples from the University Campuses in the US.

Ekincioglu, M, 2019, A Justified Rebellion by the Harvard University-Graduate School of Design: Convergence.

Ekincioglu, M, 2019, A Feminist Architectural Threshold in the History of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Ekincioglu, M., 2020, On Contemporary Architectural Problems through the Lens of "Society of Architectural Historians Conference, Ege Mimarlik, November, No. 108, Izmir, pp. 24-29.
Ekincioglu, M., 2021, A Perspective from the US on Architecture Education during COVID-19,, Istanbul, Winter Issue, No. 70, pp. 68-74.

Ekincioglu, M, 2023, After Demolition of "Geller I", Marcel Breuer's Design, Serbest Mimar, architectural journal published by Turkish Professional Architects Association, Ankara, No. 46, pp. 76-81.

Ekincioglu, M, 2023, the MIT-Nano Building, Yapi (Building), July-August, Istanbul, pp. 56-63. y, pp. pp. 79-81.